Brew #18 – Rye Brown Ale

This is Northern Brewer’s Private Rye Rye Brown Ale extract kit.


  • Specialty Grains:
    .25 lb Wyermann Chocolate Rye
    .25 lb Briess Speial Roast
    .125 lb English Medium Crystal
    .125 lb English Black Malt
  • Fermentables:
    1 lb Gold DME
    6 lb Rye Malt Syrup
  • Hops:
    .5 oz Columbus (60 mins)
    1 oz UK Kent Goldings (10 mins)

Brew Day (9/16/2018)

  1. Heated 2.5 gallons water to 125F.
  2. Steeped grains in mesh bag for 20 mins, with heat on, until temp reached ~165F
  3. brought to a boil, removed from heat and stirred in DME and extract syrup per instructions
  4. brought back to a boil and added .5 oz Columbus hop pellets, boiled for 50 mins
  5. at 15 mins left in boil added wort chiller
  6. at 10 mins left in boil added 1 oz Kent Goldings hop pellets
  7. cooled to about 90 in 15 mins
  8. added roughly 2 gallons cold water to bottom of fermentor
  9. poured wort into fermentor
  10. added cold water to bring to 5 gallons
  11. temperature hit just about 68F
  12. aerated wort by rocking and sloshing in the fermentor
  13. No gravity reading taken
  14. pitched dry yeast around 2:30pm

Bottling (9/30/18)

Bottled with ~4.25 oz corn sugar dissolved in 2 cups boiling water.

Tasting (October-December 2018)

This beer is decent, but a bit on the bland side. It’s a little sweet for my taste and I’d prefer a little more bitterness. It needs to be poured aggressively to get a nice head. But when it does, the head is tasty and a nice tan color and fluffy.